
Sunday 28 February 2010

Luke 3:15-22 What Are You Waiting For?

If you missed this talk, you can catch it again by subscribing to our podcast in iTunes. Click here to go to our iTunes page and click subscribe.
For instructions about how to get our podcast click here.

Alternatively you can listen to the "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by RUTH REGAN, 25:55 mins).
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How easy do you find it to wait for something?

When it comes to longstanding prayers, how easy is it to still feel hopeful that they will be answered?

What does the Bible teach us about perseverance? What are the results of perseverance for our character?

Think of example(s) of where you’ve prayed and eventually seen an answer? Can you see a purpose in the process of waiting?

Who in the bible shows us good examples of perseverance?

Thinking of unanswered prayers you have.
a) Check – are you praying in line with God’s will?
b) If so, pray and ask God to reveal a new angle to pray, perhaps something specific?
c) Now listen. What is God saying? Pray along these lines, repeat the exercise again another time. It may be that by changing your line of prayer you will see a breakthrough.

Do you know anyone who is waiting for an answer to prayer for something? What can you do to help?

Ask God to bring people into your life that is in a similar situation to one that you have had. You will understand their feelings, so offer to pray with them and keep encouraging them to hang in there.

If you want to hear a good bible study on the complete passage of today’s talk go to


Sunday 21 February 2010

Precious Things in an Uncertain World

If you missed this talk, you can catch it again by subscribing to our podcast in iTunes. Click here to go to our iTunes page and click subscribe.
For instructions about how to get our podcast click here.

Alternatively you can listen to the "Precious Things in an Uncertain World" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by Dave Vinall, 16 mins).
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Sunday 14 February 2010

Luke 3:1-14 The Opportunity of Repentance

If you missed this talk, you can catch it again by subscribing to our podcast in iTunes. Click here to go to our iTunes page and click subscribe.
For instructions about how to get our podcast click here.

Alternatively you can listen to the "The Opportunity of Repentance" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by Pete Grigorey, 34 mins).
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What does repentance mean for you? Or how is repentance more than just asking for forgiveness?

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” – what fruit are you producing? Could someone else see this?

What branches are you hanging on to and why? What scares you about letting go? What might you be missing out on?

In what ways could God encourage you to let go?

Read James 2: 15-17 and 1 John 3:17. What do these verses say about our responsibilities to those less well off than our selves?

How do we balance being a good steward of the resources God has given us and not trusting God to provide?

Challenge: Take a risk this week, loosen your grasp a little bit and see what happens.


Sunday 7 February 2010

Luke 2:41-52 Where Is Jesus

If you missed this talk, you can catch it again by subscribing to our podcast in iTunes. Click here to go to our iTunes page and click subscribe.
For instructions about how to get our podcast click here.

Alternatively you can listen to the "Where Is Jesus" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by Chris Fox, 35 mins).
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The Past
Think back to a time/circumstances/situation when you felt you had lost Jesus. How did you find him again?

The Present
Think about present circumstances/situations in your life where you feel you may have lost Jesus, or you are uncertain of the way through or the way forward. What steps do you think you could you take to re-establish contact, get his perspective, his guidance and assistance?

The Future
Draw up your own strategy, say 3-4 points, to help you maintain closeness, intimacy with Jesus for the future and times when we need to know where he is, what he is saying.

Look down the list of 10 headings and verses and think about how some of them could be applied to your life and situation:
Peace - John 14.27
Penitence - Isaiah 30.15 -first part!
Perfection - Psalm 18.30
Perspective/problem-solving - John 8.12
Power -Isaiah 40.29-31
Praise - Psalm 42.5;
Prayer - Philippians 4.6
Presence - Matthew 28.20
Promises - Matthew 11.28-30
Provision - Philippians 4.19

If you have never found Jesus, what steps could you take to draw close to him and find the new life he promises?

- - - - - - - - - image of Dave's notes for this talk
