
Sunday 8 March 2009

Sunday 1st March, 2009

If you missed the talk from this Sunday, you can listen to it by clicking here. (30 minutes)
Or you can right-click and choose "Save as..." or "Download..." to save the mp3 file to your computer.

The Overlooked Commandment
  • How easy do you find it to answer the question, ‘Does God love me?’
  • If it is easy to answer that question positively, why?
  • If it is hard to answer that question positively, why?
  • In both cases, do you feel that way because of who God is, or who you are?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how strongly do you feel the need to earn God's love? 1 is the strongest need, and 10 is feeling like you have no need to earn his love at all, because you accept it as true.
  • How tolerant are you of yourself, not in the sense of being lazy and slack in your Christian walk, but in the sense of being accepting of who you are, warts and all?
  • List ten benefits you believe could come from loving yourself.
  • List ten ways you could ‘love thyself’ (52 inch plasma TV aside!)
