
Sunday 7 February 2010

Luke 2:41-52 Where Is Jesus

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The Past
Think back to a time/circumstances/situation when you felt you had lost Jesus. How did you find him again?

The Present
Think about present circumstances/situations in your life where you feel you may have lost Jesus, or you are uncertain of the way through or the way forward. What steps do you think you could you take to re-establish contact, get his perspective, his guidance and assistance?

The Future
Draw up your own strategy, say 3-4 points, to help you maintain closeness, intimacy with Jesus for the future and times when we need to know where he is, what he is saying.

Look down the list of 10 headings and verses and think about how some of them could be applied to your life and situation:
Peace - John 14.27
Penitence - Isaiah 30.15 -first part!
Perfection - Psalm 18.30
Perspective/problem-solving - John 8.12
Power -Isaiah 40.29-31
Praise - Psalm 42.5;
Prayer - Philippians 4.6
Presence - Matthew 28.20
Promises - Matthew 11.28-30
Provision - Philippians 4.19

If you have never found Jesus, what steps could you take to draw close to him and find the new life he promises?

- - - - - - - - - image of Dave's notes for this talk



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