
Sunday 25 April 2010

Jesus In Your Shoes - Uniquely You

If you missed this talk, you can catch it again by subscribing to our podcast in iTunes. Click here to go to our iTunes page and click subscribe.For instructions about how to get our podcast click here.Alternatively you can listen to the "Jesus In Your Shoes - Uniquely You" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by Dave Vinall, 32 mins).
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Uniquely Connected
How would you answer the question, “How do you like to invest into your relationship with God?” How often do you do this? What stops you?

Think about the answers people gave in the video. Ask other people what they do. What ideas resonate with you? Try them out and mix them together.

What principles are universally present for people to connect with God? In his talk, Dave suggested time, space and repetition. What would you add to this list? What will these principles look like when they are uniquely applied to you?

Your Life Is God’s Project
Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” What do you think Paul means by “good works”? Good for whom? For you? For others? For God? Perhaps all three?

What is good for you? Think about some things that you do that make you feel thankful to be alive. How often do you do this? Can do these things more? How could you make these things more ‘spiritual’?

Read John 3:1-8, especially verse 8. Think about what Jesus means about Christians being like the wind. What do you think he means?

Unique Consequence
What good things can you do for someone else? How might God be using this? If God prepared them in advance, how does this change the way you feel about doing them?



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