
Sunday 18 April 2010

Jesus In Your Shoes - The Best You

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Alternatively you can listen to the "Jesus In Your Shoes - The Best You" message on your computer by clicking here (or right-click to download) (by Dave Vinall, 27 mins).
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What Do You Think God Thinks About You?
Do you think about this much? Try to imagine that you believed, with all your heart, that God was your biggest fan – that he thinks you’re great and is absolutely sold out on you! What would that be like? Would it make a change to your life?

The Best You
What would the best you be like? Think of some descriptions you would love people to use when talking about you, things like kind, generous, compassionate, brave, faithful, wise and so on. Think about which of these characteristics really would mean the most to you. Why is that?

God Is Working
God is totally committed to making you into the best version of you. He thought you up and made you. His plan is for you to become the person you were made to be. The Bible calls this coming alive and living abundantly.

Read what Paul writes in Ephesians 2:1-10. It’s a long involved passage, so try writing it out in your own words, avoiding any religious language. What parts do you believe with your head, but not really with your heart? Why is this?

Read Ephesians 4:17-23. Try to read it not as a list of commands or rules, but a description of the best you.

The Gap
Look for times when you’re not being the best you – when you’re the opposite of the characteristics you thought of above. What is going on? Try to see this as an opportunity to cooperate with God to become the best you. What would it practically mean to cooperate with God? Try to grasp the opportunities this week, asking God for help to be the best you.




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